You Buy, We Give

For each sale, the seller pays us a commission, of which we donate 35% to a charity or good cause of your choice.

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Are you a Charity or Good Cause looking to raise funds?

For every sale, we'll donate 35% of the commission we receive from sellers directly to you. Plus, you can also receive direct donations from your supporters. Joining is easy and absolutely free.

You sell, we donate!

We have buyers ready to buy; they are regular supporters of the Charities and Good Causes who have registered with us. Our marketplace is fair; we only charge a percentage of sales and there are no hidden fees.

We are looking for sellers who use Shopify to sell their products through our ready-made audience of buyers. Uploading products and monitoring stock and sales is easy! We have a full integration with Shopify; two minutes of your work and you are done, and ready to sell.

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